The Genius Studio
I frequent a place and am part of a community that centers around stretching and personal development. People often come because they want to heal their bodies, to stretch their hamstrings. If they stay long enough, they get to know much more about themselves. Those who stay are interested in developing themselves, getting to know their strengths and weaknesses, physically, emotionally, psychologically, relationally. There is a tone of fitness, healthiness, awareness, communication, and valuing the physical.
The main teacher is Bob, he discovered the work he teaches after getting in a debilitating car accident. He is visionary and he’s also human. He is brilliant and has a strong and developed ego. Bob has quirks and shortcomings, but he has a way of seeing people and describing what he sees in a way that penetrates people. If they are open to his sometimes flawed delivery system, they reflect and often times grow from his observations.
Bob has developed a whole stretching system, complete with meridian lines and personality traits and types. The stretching encompasses the physical, emotional, analytical and spiritual aspects of each individual. The motto is “help yourself,” and people gather at the center to both do that, and to help each other. The community has formed because people are attracted to the work. We get together and learn about stretching ourselves and others, our muscles and connective tissues, our minds, our perspectives.
The people that stay tend to want to act in ways that are healthy and balancing for them. There is an emphasis on good food and exercise. The elite trainers are all very fit, attractive and have done many years of training. Sometimes we all stand around one person and tell them what we notice or see in them. The community becomes close because of the intensity and intimacy of the work.
Sometimes we get together to celebrate. Usually this includes a delicious potluck in a beautiful setting. People break off in smaller groups and pairs. There is an air of exclusivity in the group. Bob has expectations of the people that he wants to represent the work and is picky about who he allows to stay.
Thank you for opening the door to share this lovely world that is a part of you. Delicious!